Theory of Change - Measurable Outcomes
The Parenting Circle focuses on three outcome areas:
1) school achievement
2) strengthened families
3) community cohesion
In particular we believe the parenting peer mentoring groups will:
Improve childhood development among beneficiary families in the form of higher levels of school readiness at age 5 as reported by teachers.
Improve school outcomes of beneficiary children but also of the whole year group.
Reduce stress/work-load for teachers.
Increase confidence among beneficiary parents as reported in parent surveys.
Reduce loneliness among beneficiary parents as reported in parent surveys.
Increase awareness among schools, nurseries and health visitors of how best to support parents in promoting their child[ren]’s early development.
Foster reciprocal support between parents.
Increase parental engagement with the school and with appropriate community services.
These short-term outcomes will contribute to three key long-term outcomes: improved well-being among children; improved attainment of children from disadvantaged backgrounds; improved life chances for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. In addition, our scheme will deliver cost-savings to Government and taxpayers: school exclusion, for example, costs the taxpayer £370K per child; if our scheme can prevent 10 school exclusions, that is a saving of over £3 million.